In 2018 U.S. corporations spent over $87.6 billion training their employees. Despite these efforts, training has proven not to stick in the long run. This rings especially true in the sales industry; if you are managing a large or dispersed sales team, chances are you’ve experienced the struggle of reps reverting back to old habits months after initial sales training has concluded.

The problem is that too many sales leaders are managing their teams without presenting them with real data, and from there, not spending enough time reinforcing the skills learned during training or measuring the results. How managers hire, onboard, and train their teams can no longer be based off on hunches. Rather, a sales tool that incorporates continuous training and learning may be your best asset when it comes to setting performance standards for your team and achieving sales goals.

Accelerate sales training with technology:

The main reason that sales leaders have a difficult time getting their teams onboard for training is the lack of proof. They make decisions based on hunches and conclusions, without ever looking at any existing data. If you don’t have data explaining why reps should make a certain number of calls daily or adhere to a particular sales script, they will be less likely to believe that they have an issue.

With the help of a sales technology solution, utilize dashboards to showcase KPIs that matter to your team (phone calls placed, emails sent, appointments set, or any other relevant metric). With this data, managers can make decisions based on actual numbers to improve performance, and reps can know where they stand at a glance – because after all, sales activity is predictive of success.

Implement training reinforcement to see results:

Your sales team won’t change their behaviors an hour after they receive training; training needs to be reinforced by leadership. However, managers spend less than 20% of their time on coaching – even though effective sales coaching can improve win rates by as much as 25%. After initial training, managers should continue to use call activity data to show their teams how the most effective team members increase productivity and their overall ability to sell successfully.

A sales tool with performance learning capabilities empowers sales teams with on-demand, automated learning customized to your brand and content. With this type of tool, managers can coach in real-time through automation to help struggling reps before they develop negative habits. Further, best practices are captured in one platform so reps can experience training reinforcement at any time to supercharge productivity. Additionally, when it comes to onboarding, sales leaders can customize their platform with role-based learning plans and product training to enhance the process and turn new hires into top performers faster than ever before.

Measure sales training results:

Even if you are putting in the effort, sales training is useless if no one is measuring and reinforcing the results. If your sales team’s productivity isn’t increasing, you need to reevaluate your training program and make sure it is the right fit for your organization. By deploying sales technology to measure tactical training initiatives, sales leaders can help their reps improve their skills and set a standard course of action in place that is proven to lead to successful results.

Learn how Gryphon can improve your sales training and help your team achieve sales success.

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