Sales leaders must do their due diligence to ensure that their teams are armed with the tools they need to be successful at their jobs. If you lead a dispersed sales team, you understand that this is no simple task. However, it is time to work smarter, not harder, to achieve sales success.

While call activity and pipeline data have historically been gathered through weekly check-ins and manually reported, less-than-accurate CRM data, managers can now get in the path of every call (from any phone, anywhere – even as reps work from home) to ensure that individual and team goals are being met.

The best part? With a sales acceleration tool, this process is automated, and data is captured 100% accurately in real-time, saving sales leaders time and effort and closing the visibility gap between them and their reps.

Sales leaders: It’s time to work smarter, not harder.

The conversations taking place at the customer level are the richest sources of market intelligence available to your business. So, it is essential for organizations to establish business processes to gather more subjective data and improve upon outdated management practices with the help of a sales tool.

Real-time activity capture aids in setting benchmarks for current reps and sets standards for new hires. By using call recording to observe both the quality and quantity of calls, specific key performance indicators (KPIs) can be set, giving sales leaders assurance that their teams’ goals are aligned. Further, analyzing these call recordings and utilizing speech analytics allows sales teams to reflect upon conversations and understand potential key areas for improvement.

Utilizing Sales Data

The best way to create value from failed conversations is to 1) capture activity and 2) analyze it for patterns and behaviors that either help or hurt your reps’ effectiveness with prospects. Revenue and quota goals are clear numbers to measure with regards to a sales teams’ calling activity, but often, sales leaders are at a disadvantage when they attempt to understand the effectiveness of their reps without actual data.

When it comes to measuring sales activities, sales leaders should recognize the following:

  • To grow your pipeline, you first must understand the activity that generates opportunities – meaning the daily outreach reps make to prospects.
  • Next, take note of the outreach behaviors of your successful reps (the number of calls resulting in conversations, the best times of day to reach someone) and replicate these across your entire sales team to drive more opportunities, and therefore more revenue.

Optimizing Sales Performance

With the help of 100% accurate data, the most effective sales leaders understand the quantity and quality of rep activities that lead to closed deals, whether their reps are in the office or working remotely. By enabling teams to work smarter – not harder – through the analysis of call activity data, sales leaders will see positive behaviors increase, and will be able to quickly remediate negative habits with more informed coaching and training.

If sales leaders can measure activity levels accurately and set KPIs in place, team performance becomes a numbers game with clear-cut wins and goals to benchmark. With these standards set based on data, sales leaders have a much better shot at achieving goals and generating more revenue.

Learn how Gryphon can help you better manage call activity and the daily activities of your reps to reach your revenue goals today.

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